3rd Coastal SymposiumKüste im Wandel - Coast in Transition 20229 – 11 November, 2022Hamburg, Germany

The increasing pressure on our coasts due to climate change and human use increases the need for results and options for action for sustainable coastal management. The 3rd Coastal Symposium 'Küste im Wandel - Coast in Transition 2022' brings together scientists and practitioners and is a forum for exchange on the research topics of
- nature based coastal adaptation,
- sustainable fisheries and
- multiple stressors.
On the first day, the focus is on the exchange with practitioners (conference language German). On the second and third day, the scientific discussion will be deepened (conference language English). A varied program invites networking and discussion. Be there and make a note of the most important dates:
- DEADLINE EXTENSION: Submission of oral presentations and posters from 1 June until 14 August, 2022.
- Registration until 15 October, 2022
Prof. Dr. Ulrich BathmannLeibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemuende (IOW)Project coordinator CoTrans |
PD Dr. Jochen HinkelGlobal Climate Forum Project coordinator ECAS-BALTIC |
Prof. Dr. Ingrid KrönckeSenckenberg Society for Nature Research (SGN), Senckenberg am MeerProject coordinator BioWeb |
Prof. Dr. Christian MöllmannUniversity of HamburgProject coordinator balt_ADAPT |
Dr. Maike PaulLeibniz University HannoverProject coordinator SeaStore |
Prof. Dr. Maren VoßLeibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemuende (IOW)Project coordinator BluEs |
Prof. Dr. Kai WirtzHelmholtz Centre HereonProject coordinator MuSSeL |
1st Coastal Symposium "Küste 2025", 2015 in Hamburg (Sorry, this link no longer works.)
Do you have questions or want to stay up to date with news about the symposium? Then write a message to the Coordination Office Coast.